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2020 Certified SOS-Fairstart Instructor Education Rwanda - Kinship, foster and SOS family care
Course is full

In this education, you will learn the research based principles of quality care for children without parental contact. We educate instructors to train kinship and foster carers using Fairstart’s online training sessions.

About this course

This course is developed specifically for SOS Children's Villages and is used in an African family project focusing on capacity building of kinship and foster family systems. It is a closed forum for SOS employees only.

Acquired instructor competences

In this exiting learning process instructors will:

  • Work from research-based principles of attachment-based childcare
  • Learn how to train and educate groups of foster and kinship carers
  • Facilitate the creation of strong family values and identity
  • Contribute to building local professional childcare systems
  • Be co-designers of their own and others' learning processes
  • Become part of an international instructor community

Structure and content

8 modules take participants through a unique mix of practical teaching and theoretical learning on this online education platform. The platform offers a range of guides, videos and forums for support, creativity and sharing among students. The education is a class-based course, but is not limited by geography, meaning that a student team takes the education together but may do it from different locations. Within each module, instructor students will train a parent group in Fairstart's online training programme (available on our webpage).

The education complies with EU educational standards at level 5, and your participation will make you an attractive, professional developer of social systems for abandoned and vulnerable children.

A tool for professional development

The process of becoming an instructor is not only an exciting process for you - the caregivers who receive your training will learn how to develop constructive practices and how to continously implement them in their daily care of foster and kinship children. Research shows that children who live with well-trained and competent foster parents experience significantly higher success as adults in both their personal, social and professional lives.

Since 2005, Fairstart has been developing complete training programmes that provide caregivers with practical skills and knowledge enabling them to perform the care that at-risk children need. The instructor education is your opportunity to spread and teach this knowledge. You can become an active agent of change!

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Auth. DPA clinical child psychologist, Niels Peter Rygaard